@ZINECAMP me, Noëlla and Karlijn created our own Zine called; 'I SEE THAT I SEE WHAT YOU DON'T SEE'.
The main topic of this zine was inclusive representation. We decided on this topic based on combined interest and the topics of our essays.
We came to the understanding that some groups in society are over- or underrepresented. Which leads to maintaining stereotypes.
One of the most memorable moments during this minor, was the dinner @TEANA'S home.
At this moment the class already had a tight connection. And in my opinion everyone felt free to speak their mind and share their own thoughts and opinions in a respectful manner.
To me this was one of the best experiences I had during my school years.
The moments we shared reminded me a lot of the movie freedom writers. Where different students, with different backgrounds and opinions were able to come together.
One of the first lessons we started with discussing books by authors such as, Gloria Wekker, Philomena Essed, Sara Ahmed, Audre Lorde and James Baldwin.
These were authors where I could recognize myself and my own stories.
One of the most memorable books for me is ‘White innocence’. Which guided me to find understanding in the powerstructure of white supremacy in The Netherlands, and the long term effects of colonization.
The book ‘Sister outside’ by Audre Lorde made me more aware of my positionality as a black queer feminist. Looking at feminism from an intersectional perspective both fighting for equality in race and gender.
During the workshop with Dutch Turkish Graphic Designer, Cengiz Mengüç - we discussed the outcome of gentrifcation in Rotterdam.
Cengiz Mengüç has worked with a lot of store owners in Rotterdam-West.
Most stores in this area for example; Kruiskade - are known for their flashy billboards.
Usually with lots of striking colors and big stretched out images.
Both left and right you see images of different classes.
During the picture on the right we discussed one of my favourites topics; intersectional Feminism.
On the left was the day the class divided themselves in four groups for the projects.
For one of Amy's classes we had the assignment to design an intervention that contests how the body is disciplined within the wdka.
Together with Karlijn we decided to claim our own space within the institute.
The main goal of this intervention was to reclaim your space within a crowded place.
And being able to claim a space to connect with your mind, body and reclaim inner peace.
Cultural Diversity minor 2019.2020
Cultural Diversity minor 2019.2020
Cultural Diversity minor 2019.2020
Cultural Diversity minor 2019.2020
Cultural Diversity minor 2019.2020
Below you will see some pictures I took, when visiting several exhibitions during the minor.
I decided to add these experiences to my logbook, because they are related to my daily interest. And because I was intrigued by the way art is used to be informative, eye-opening or a form of a political statement.
With this logbook I have documented my experiences, progresses and
personal reval
With this logbook I have documented my experiences, progress and
personal revelations during this minor. I started this minor with an open
mind and ready for new experiences and a more diverse approach of
education and knowledge.
Within the first classes a safe atmosphere was created and I felt free to share my own personal stories. As a Surinamese-Ghanian-Dutchie not being part of the dominant discourse was just a daily thing in life. This minor gives the opportunity to for once not feel like your stories are not universal. Furthermore topics as culture, ethnicity, gender, feminism and politics we discussed freely without passing judgement.
My experience during this minor; Cultural Diversity was a eye-opening experience. Which has taught me to never be ashamed of not fitting into norm or the dominant narrative. But accepting my own culture, roots and all my differences. And being unapologetically proud of the route my ancestors endured. So that I have the possibility to speak my mind freely and be aware of my own human rights. During the passing years I've come to realise that the systems is not set up for the minority group to excel.
And decolonizing my own mind is a process and which one may never be finished - because their is always so much more to learn and understand. And in my opinion knowledge is freedom.
Because of gentrification new store owners are prohibited of designing their own billboard.
Instead they all have to make a design with a grey background and a white lettering.
The topic of gentrification is a very urgent and current topic in Rotterdam.
Me experiencing this first hand in my own neighborhood; Crooswijk.
Born and raised in Crooswijk it has always been a melting pot of various cultures and different ethnicities.
Which has had a big impact on my upbringing and the way I view the world today.
Lately it has been more of a segregated area.
Growing up in a ‘major-minority-city’ has led to achieving a wide frame of reference which triggers me to be as open-minded as I could be today.
For me the most memorable moments of these classes. Was the ability to discuss topics that are happening in daily life.
The term bodily knowledge was the main topic during this minor. And gave me the opportunity to write my essay and do a group project based on my own bodily experiences.
Experiences that in daily life are not often acknowledged by society.
The group project I made with both Noëlla and Karlijn. The process of discovering our main topic started with making a zine @ZINECAMP about inclusive representation. The embodied publication was a combination of a track; 'The Narrative' and a zine; 'I see that I see what you don't see'. In this publication we shared our own personal stories of feeling alien like or being 'othered'.
During this minor I came to the realisation that my experiences in a white heteronormative Western society, are experiences that many others endure. Discussing topics such as white normativity, the hidden archives in Dutch history and biopower & politics have given me a different understanding of the society we live in.
The last couple months felt like a breath of fresh air and compared to rest of the school system at the Hogeschool Rotterdam.
Since studying Social Work with the specialization in mental health care, not all my experiences were pleasant. Beyond the fact that most teachers and students are white and almost non poc. Therefore I was often looked at as the spokesperson whenever black topics or black culture was discussed. With the entire class staring at me waiting for my answers, it was just another day of realising that some people can not look past someone's skin color.
During the workshop by Dutch Turkish Graphic Designer, Cengiz Mengüç. We had the task to design a billboard by hand.
I decided to make a billboard of a product that is always in my bag especially in the winter.
During the workshop by Dutch Turkish Graphic Designer, Cengiz Mengüç. We had the task to design a bilboard by hand.
I decided to make a bilboard of a product that is always in my bag especially in the winter.
During the workshop by Dutch Turkish Graphic Designer, Cengiz Mengüç. We had the task to design a bilboard by hand.
I decided to make a bilboard of a product that is always in my bag especially in the winter.
During the workshop by Dutch Turkish Graphic Designer, Cengiz Mengüç. We had the task to design a bilboard by hand.
I decided to make a bilboard of a product that is always in my bag especially in the winter.
The first is 'The Hoodie'. This is a exhibition at 'Het nieuwe Instituut' in Rotterdam.
Focussed on a piece of clothing many often wear. But for those who are not as privileged as others, wearing a hoodie can be life threatening.
Below you will see some pictures I took, when visiting several exhibitions during the minor.
I decided to add these experiences to my logbook, because they are related to my daily interest. And because I was intrigued by the way art is used to be informative, eye-opening or a form of a political statement.
Below you will see some pictures I took, when visiting several exhibitions during the minor.
I decided to add these experiences to my logbook, because they are related to my daily interest. And because I was intrigued by the way art is used to be informative, eye-opening or a form of a political statement.
DOSSIER INDIË shows the colonial past of Holland in Indonesia.
Recently I visited the association; 'Vereniging ons Suriname' at The Black Archives.
This is a organisation that has been publishing hidden archives and history of minority groups in The Netherlands.
The association was celebrating the existence of 100 years, from 1919 till 2019. By opening a new exhibition focussing on the hidden history of emancipation of Surinamese Dutch citizens.
Other then that I have faced both students and teachers using the N* word in my presence, falsely accusing me of plagiarism in a presentation without even reading my essay or checking the sources. And mocking my native language 'Sranantongo'. To say the least, studying at Hogeschool Rotterdam was challenging.
During this minor it felt very pleasant to be able to not feel like 'the other' in a classroom. These past school months for once I felt like was part of the norm or the dominant discourse. Because there was a atmosphere created in which there was room for everyone's stories.
Other than that the way of teaching felt so liberating, each lesson I felt like a learned something that will benefit me not only in my study or job but in my everyday life as a human.
The urgency and importance of the existence of a minor like this indescribable. Especially in a society where there is a large impact of polarization creating a division between different groups in society.
This minor creates awareness for urgent topics in everyday life and provides a safe space for discussion.
Looking back at the overall experience I can say that this has been an intriguing and wonderful way of making education inclusive.
Recently I visited the association; 'Vereniging ons Suriname' at The Black Archives.
This is a organisation that has been publishing hidden archives and history of minority groups in The Netherlands.
The association was celebrating the existence of 100 years, from 1919 till 2019. By opening a new exhibition focussing on the hidden history of emancipation of Surinamese Dutch citizens.
Recently I visited the association; 'Vereniging ons Suriname' at The Black Archives.
This is a organisation that has been publishing hidden archives and history of minority groups in The Netherlands.
The association was celebrating the existence of 100 years, from 1919 till 2019. By opening a new exhibition focussing on the hidden history of emancipation of Surinamese Dutch citizens.